The patent office is on fire!

A while back we were bursting with excitement as we shared the news of Inspiralia and partners being granted a patent for an invention in cellular therapy for the Spanish territory. Latest update hits far away from home but we are nevertheless just as excited now that the patent has been granted in Japan!

The patent, entitled “New Scaffold for Cardiac Patch”, is a multi-layered architecture to be used for structural reinforcement of damaged soft tissue.

The invention behind the patent will be used to treat cardiovascular disease, recognized as a major health problem and the leading cause of death in the Western world. The treatment consists of repairing damaged tissue following the cardiovascular disease causing most deaths:  heart attacks.

“Scaffold” is known as an engineered material platform that can be formed into the shape of the tissue that needs replacing. It is designed to serve as a temporary support for cells to grow into new tissue and will degrade as the cell-growing process proceed.

Inspiralia worked on this project as one of the research partners together with the University of Manchester (U.K.), the Institutul de Chimie Marcomoleculara Petru Poni (Romania) and Ustav Experimentalni Mediciny Akademie Ved Ceske (Czech Republic).

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2018-04-18T17:22:08+02:00 March 28th, 2017|0 Comments