Public Funding 2024-01-24T12:47:37+01:00

Non-dilutive financing opportunities await you in the EIC and National Funding Programmes

Are you a Start-up , SME or Midcap developing an incredible product or business model?

Do you employ less than 250 employees and your turnover is below 50M€?

Do you need 0,5-2,5M€ in Grant, and up to 15M€ in Equity, to bring your product or service to market?

With its Pathfinder programme the EIC supports the exploration of bold ideas for radically new technologies.

It welcomes the high-risk / high gain and interdisciplinary cutting-edge science collaborations that underpin technological breakthroughs.

Solve major political and research challenges, contribute to research breakthroughs, and boost Europe’s scientific excellence.

Develop tomorrow’s technologies from idea to market.

Work in consortia of 3+ world’s experts in the given topic

Are you an SME, spin-off or university?

Your project previously received an EIC Pathfinder, FET Flagship or ERC Proof of Concept?

Do you have a prototype in TRL4-6 and you need to validate?

Do you have the ambition to develop a new product, process or service?
Do you seek an international partnership?
Are you an innovative SME?

Are you a Start-up of less than 3 years with new business projects based on self-generated technology?

Do you have a high differentiation based on technology and innovation?

Can you share with us a long-term strategy and business plan?

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Our track record


The EIC Accelerator is a program specifically designed to support innovative SMEs, start-ups and Midcaps, aiming to help them bring their solutions to the market.

Fancy Icon Marketing Grant size range from 0,5M€ to 2,5M€ of non-refundable and non-dilutive funds (for SMEs and start-ups).

Fancy Icon Marketing Investment component range from 0,5M€ to 15M€, usually in the form of equity.

Single company applications

Basic requirements to apply:

  • Open for SME, start-ups, Mid-caps or natural persons intending to establish an SME oe small mid-cap in an EU Member State or Associated Country
  • You innovation must be based on a technology or technologies that have been adequately assessed at least in a laboratory environment (TRL 5/6).
  • The nature and level of risk of the investment in your innovation mean that market actors are unwilling to commit the full amount alone.

Inspiralia adheres to the Code of Conduct for Consultants established by the EIC Board which is available here.

EIC PATHFINDER OPEN supports early stage development of such future technologies (e.g. various activities at low Technology Readiness Levels 1-4), based on high-risk/high-gain science-towards-technology breakthrough research (including ‘deep-tech’). This research must provide the foundations of the technology you are envisioning. Consortia of at least three different independent legal entities established in at least 3 different eligible countries. Basic requirements to apply:

Participants profile: Spin-offs, start-ups, research organisations, universities, SMEs, Large entities, others

Be aligned with the program gatekeepers:

  • Long-term vision: How convincing is the vision of a radically new technology that has the potential to have a transformative positive effect to our economy and society?
  • Science-towards-technology breakthrough: How concrete, novel and ambitious is the proposed science-towards-technology breakthrough with respect to the state-of-the-art? What advancement does it provide towards realising the envisioned technology?
  • Objectives: How concrete and plausible are the proposed objectives? To what extent are high-risk/high-gain research approach and methodology appropriate for achieving them?
  • Interdisciplinarity: How relevant is the interdisciplinary approach from traditionally distant disciplines for achieving the proposed breakthrough?

Fancy Icon MarketingGrant up to 3M€. The funding rate of this grant will be 100% of the eligible costs.

EIC PATHFINDER CHALLENGES  aim to build on new, cutting-edge directions in science and technology to disrupt a field and a market or create new opportunities by realising innovative technological solutions grounded in high-risk/high-gain research and development (TRL 1-4). Single applicants or small consortia (two partners) may be able to apply for Pathfinder Challenges according to the call specifications. The Pathfinder Challenges support collaborative research and innovation from consortia or applications from single legal entities (unless stated otherwise in the specific challenge chapter). In case of a consortium your proposal must be submitted by the coordinator on behalf of the consortium that includes at least two independent legal entities. Basic requirements to apply:

Participants profile. Spin-offs, start-ups, research organisations, universities, SMEs, Large entities, others. In the case of monobeneficiary projects, mid-caps and larger companies will not be permitted.

 Be aligned with the program gatekeepers:

  • Relevance to the Challenge: How relevant are the project’s objectives in contributing to the overall goal and the specific objectives of the Challenge?
  • Novelty: How novel and ambitious are the proposed technological breakthroughs with respect to the state-of-the-art? How relevant and effective are they in achieving the expected outcomes of the Challenge?
  • Plausibility of methodology: To what extent is the Research, Development & Innovation methodology described in the proposal appropriate to reach its objectives? How plausible is it that the objectives set out in the proposal are achieved within the time span of the project?

EIC Pathfinder Challenges Budget: 132M€ (which is expected to be allocated in approximately equal shares across the challenges). The challenges are:

  • Awareness inside
  • Tools to measure & stimulate activity in brain tissue
  • Emerging Technologies in Cell & Gene Therapy
  • Novel routes to green hydrogen production
  • Engineered living materials

Fancy Icon MarketingGrant up to 4M€. The funding rate of this grant will be 100% of the eligible costs.

Thematic priorities is the most comprehensive of the innovation funding programs. We can distinguish between 2 types of projects; the Innovation Actions (IA’s) and the Research and Innovation Actions (RIA’s) and it falls under Pillar II, divided in 6 Thematic Clusters.

Fancy Icon Marketing Each project has its own budget and can range up to 30M€

Any legal entity is invited to participate in this program

Not open to any project, it should give a solution to the European commission topics

Basic requirements to apply:

  1. Apply in consortium, usually in large consortiums. Usually with more that 5 members
  2. Should be an international consortium
  3. Your solution should fit one of the topics specified by the EC

Fancy Icon Marketing Grant up to 2,5M€ of non-refundable and non-dilutive funds.

Single applicants (SMEs, spin-offs, start-ups, research organisations, universities) or small consortia (two to 5 partners) are invited to participate in this program. Basic requirements to apply:

  • Applications must build on results from eligible Pathfinder, FET or ERC Proof of Concept projects
  • The entities applying must have IP rights to further exploit previous proposals’ outcomes.
  • TRL 4 to 5/6: validate and demonstrate technology in application-relevant environment  and develop market readiness.

Whit its bottom-up approach, the Eurostars program finances the next development stages of small transnational consortia, enabling innovative SMEs to bring new developments into the market.

Fancy Icon Marketing Average project size of €1.5 M with grant intensity variable across participating countries.

Universities, Research Organizations and Large Companies can act as partners.

Basic requirements to apply:

  1. An innovative SME in the leading role [1]
  2. A consortium of least two independent partners from two Eurostars countries[2]
  3. Project activities of up to 36 months

[1] You will qualify if you have the ambition to collaborate on R&D and innovation with international partners, to develop new products, processes, and services for European and global markets. You do not need a proven track record of R&D activities.

[2] Eurostars has 37 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,  Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.

Inspiralia supports SME’s and any kind of entity to access National and Regional Grants either in Spain and other regions of Europe to fund their innovation and technology development.

We foresee the access to Next Generation EU funding, an instrument with a budget of 750billion that will distribute aids and funding through specific national mechanisms for a more resilient, greener and digital Europe.

In Spain, we support clients to access CDTI research and innovation grants and funding, closing the circle with tax incentives.

Specifically for technology based, young and high innovative start-ups we recommend to access Neotec program (conditions below).

In order to evaluate the possibilities of your entity accessing National Grants, please click below to contact us for a short free diagnostic of aids.

Neotec grant range:  175000-250.000 non refundable grant

Basic requirements to apply:

  • Start-up  of less than 3 years with new business projects based on self-generated technology
  • High differentiation based on technology and innovation
  • Long-term strategy and business plan
Free diagnostic