Fast Track to Innovation Programme
The Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) is a European Commission fully-bottom-up innovation support programme that promotes close-to-the-market innovation activities open to industry-driven consortia that can be composed of all types of participants.
The programme can help partners to co-create and test breakthrough products, services or business processes that have the potential to revolutionise existing or create entirely new markets, under the helm of the new European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot.
Inspiralia’s expertise in project management and product development has been very useful for European consortia that have gone through the FTI programme. We supported many projects in their grants application process and we are now working with more clients to present new disruptive innovations before the next cut-off (21st February 2019).
Here are two amazing projects that could come to life thanks to the FTI programme and with our Innovation Strategy support:
Zefhir, a unique ultra-light turbine helicopter that now flies the skies
Our client consortium DISRUPT has developed Zefhir, a helicopter, turbine engine and parachute safety mechanism that will make ultralight helicopter flights safer for passengers and reduce the number of tragedies caused by loss of pilot control.
Successful laser structuring of dynamic seals for rotating devices
Energy losses caused by friction within dynamic seals in rotating, moving and reciprocating devices (e.g. motors, valves, air compressors, accumulators…) represent up to 25% of total energy consumption. The SoftSlide technology will positively impact the seal industry by providing around €3315 M/year in energy savings for hydraulic and pneumatic end-users.
Want to know more about the FTI Fast Track to Innovation Programme