Be a changemaker within industrial energy efficiency
Small, Medium, and Large businesses from England, Wales, and Northern Ireland can apply for a share of up to £40 million for grants to improve the energy efficiency of industrial processes.
Apart from the decarbonisation of the energy sector and the objective to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, that will be achieved by gradually replacing fossil fuels with a mix of decarbonated energy sources, there is a clear need to make more energy-efficient use of the resources we dispose of.
This means that industrials and individuals must:
- consume less energy across the value chains
- reduce energy loss (e.g in the construction sector with better insulation) and
- increase the energy efficiency of their processes.
IETF (Industrial Energy Transformation Fund) gathered a £40M budget to fund energy-efficiency projects. If you are an energy efficiency technology provider, a business categorised as a manufacturing company (SIC 10 – 000) or a data center (SIC 63 – 110), your energy-efficiency project might be eligible for a share of £40M.
Deadline: 14th of July 2021
- Start of the project: 1st January 2023
- End of the project: 31st December 2024
- Lead applicant: Manufacturing company SIC 10 (000) or a Data center SIC 63 (110)
- Member of the consortium: technology provider (Tech at TRL7 and above), and/or a university / an RTO.
The projects targeted by this call:
- Manufacturing companies and the industrial processes involving heat exchange and their inefficiencies are targeted.
- Data centers reducing heat loss during the cooling process of their equipment.
Fuel switching (fuel switching where it can be demonstrated that the outcome of the switch delivers energy efficiency improvements), Instrumentation and control, Monitoring (SCADA systems), a more efficient heat exchange, energy recovery from waste heat.
Are you interested?
Inspiralia is currently looking for energy efficiency or decarbonisation technology providers, and British-based manufacturing companies or data centers willing to take the next step towards net zero.
If you want to take on this challenge, click here. Our experts will support you through every step of your writing process and our team of experts can answer any doubts you might have.
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