New technologies improve patients comfort and effectiveness
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and at Inspiralia we are proud of collaborating with clients that take on the battle against this disease.
Here are some examples:
Hyposens – cancer cells detection in the breast lymph nodes
The Vision of HypoSens is to develop a widely accepted, non-invasive and crucial prognostic tool for breast cancer progression in early stages. This will help clinicians and specially oncologists to decide about prompt therapy approaches and improve quality of life and expectancy.
The research focuses on the development, pre-clinical and clinical validation, and industrial demonstration of a unique all optical cancer prognostic system that will determine presence of cancer cells in the breast lymph nodes and characterize them, which correlates with presence of metastasis and bad prognosis
Spherotec – 3D spheroid-model to predict treatment response
International cancer institutions have published drug treatment guidelines for many cancer types. However, these treatments often need to be weakened because of intolerable side effects, which is highly inefficient and leads to poor prognosis. Some cancers do not respond intrinsically to drug treatment, while others acquire chemoresistance.
In response, SpheroTec has created SpheroPredict, an individualised drug testing platform designed to predict the patient’s response to guideline therapies before installing the treatment cycle. Using cancer cells from the patient’s tumour, an accurate and biologically relevant 3D spheroid-model is built to test the drugs and analyse the response in advance. In the end, only drugs with proven efficacy and low toxicity will be applied in the patient’s therapy cycle.
GratXray – more precise and painless breast tumour detection
GratXray is an innovative medical device company based on phase contrast enhanced X-ray imaging. Their worldwide patented method is ideal for soft tissue imaging, as it provides unprecedented density contrast and tissue delineation in low absorbing tissues.
Their first focus is breast cancer imaging, which is addressed by developing a Grating-Interferometry Breast-Computed-Tomography (GI-BCT) system. With this true volumetric 3D approach, they will provide more precise breast tumor detection without need of contrast agents. The breast can be measured without compression, massively improving patient comfort.