The method improves children's math and cognitive skills for learning. An e-learning platform that provides a personalised study plan that adapts in real time to different learning profiles, skills and the performance of each student. Improves math skills and develops confidence while creating healthy study habits.
Web-based learning platform tailored to the different school national curriculums (programmes of study) of EU countries. The method improves teacher’s efficiency facilitating their work and reducing it by 50%, enhances student’s assessment and provides tailored tools stimulating teachers and students resulting on improved learning.
Professional development network addressing young unemployment and need of skill development boosting EU economy. It guides and support students and young graduates in the ages between 14-24 enabling connections with like-minded students and recognition of their talent and achievements by universities, scholarships providers and companies. The network gives students and young graduates the tools that leads them to be inspired and inspire others to become the best version of themselves.
Decision support system running on a real-time cloud computing platform enables physicians to improve the diagnosis and treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents. At the same time providing support for parents and teachers that are daily confronted with the disorder.
A portable and user-friendly point of care device at an affordable price for self-management of chronic asthma condition, the most common disease among children. Effective management of long-term control medications will reduce the abuse of relieve medication and enable better quality of life for patients. The device won’t require a complex configuration and function by analysing biomarkers in exhaled breath.
Identification of the root cause of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) for a given child and personalised treatment on an affordable and user-friendly device, enabling optimal training at home under remote medical supervision. It delivers an alternative to treatment by psychoactive medication providing physiological lasting normalisation of brain activity using the child’s endogenous neuronal plasticity normalising social behaviour and improving school performance.
Therapeutic software for cognitive-communication disorders aids early-age ASD (autism spectrum disorder) children in their transition from a piece of paper to an electronic device, giving them a chance to learn new skills and be independent. A secure communication platform with real-time data enables customisation and access to feedback on performance, implementing new professional therapies and technological improvements.