Nora joined Inspiralia eight years ago as a technical energy engineer within the computational simulation department and has grown alongside the company on the career path that has taken her to where she is today.
She laid the grounds for her professional evolution by getting a degree in technical engineering from Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Spain and as a continuation an industrial design degree from Politecnico di Milano in Italy. She didn’t settle for this, instead decided to study a Master in renewable energies, fuel cells, and hydrogen at CSIC, Madrid. Nora has since then returned to the classroom, but this time as a lecturer on the same master’s program.
During her early years at Inspiralia Nora dedicated her time to the research of renewable technologies and to carry out scientific and technological research as well as simulations analyses of energy technologies and systems. After two years she was appointed technical manager, working on European projects, leading the technical execution of energy and simulation. Next step in her career came three years ago when she became in charge of leading the simulation department and nowadays she is the technological department’s head of unit.
For an insight of what a day at work might look like for her, she shares the story of a project she managed related to solar concentrating photovoltaic systems.
“The project involved performing optical simulation analyses to predict the solar rays and energy intensity concentrated into the PV cell, during a day and throughout the year.”
Nora points out the importance of consolidating her technical leadership and simulation skills to reach the expected results. The chosen modeling approach allowed optimizing the geometry that best fitted with the most efficient configuration, that as a result would generate the maximum amount of electricity during the course of a year. The analyses performed by Nora and her team at Inspiralia helped an Italian client reduce the number of prototypes and trial-and-error tests needed in order to identify the most beneficial configuration. The predictions helped to understand how the systems behaved and thus provided in-detail knowledge of its operating principles. Through these models, the concentrating systems increased its generation with 12% thanks to the new geometry proposed.
What is keeping Nora motivated throughout the day are her co-workers and a dynamic workstyle, allowing her to gain expertise in many different fields. What most attracted her was the gateway to research and development the company offered and we are fortunate she considers us “her place”.