£135M available for UK businesses to recover from COVID-19

£135M to be spent in non-dilutive grants with only 1 month to the call deadline.

Aimed at innovative companies with solutions to drive the UK’s COVID-19 recovery, there are two funding strands:

£80M (100% funded) for 2 stage projects. Up to £60k for feasibility studies (circa 160 projects to be funded) and up to £3M for research, development, and testing projects (circa 23 projects to be funded).

The call deadline is the 5th of August, the results are expected on the 4th of September.

£55M (80% funded) for single stage projects. Up to £175k per company; 0.5M per project if applying with partners. Expect more than 300 projects to be funded.

The call deadline is the 29th of July, the results are expected on the 28th of August.

With less than a month to go before the first cut-off date, don’t take any risks! If you are interested contact one of our experts for a free consultation: info@inspiralia.com

2020-07-02T02:38:05+02:00 July 1st, 2020|0 Comments